Mount of the Beatitudes
Our 1st Mass

Jesus the Teacher

I'm sure it would be little hard for any non-Catholic to understand how very special it was for each of us on this pilgrimage to experience a mass on any of these sacred sites. Father Matt's first mass of the week was in a garden chapel at the Mount of the Beatitudes. The flowers were magnificent. The views of the Sea of Galilee were inspiring. But to have been granted the "holy privilege" of receiving the "Body and Blood of our risen Lord" in a place where Jesus spent such a large and important part of his ministry was simply overwhelming. We pray that the closeness we all felt to the Holy Spirit in these places will live in our hearts and our minds forever.

Matthew 5: 3-11 The Sermon on the Mount

Blessed are the poor in Spirit.
Blessed are the sorrowful.
Blessed are the meek.
Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness.
Blessed are the merciful.
Blessed are the pure of heart.
Blessed are the peacemakers.
Blessed are those who are victims for the cause of justice.


The History & Archaeology of the Site

This church was built in 1938, several hundered yards above a 4th century chapel and rock-cut cistern. Therefore, the current site has little archaelogical significance. However, to be able to sit on this hillside and see most of the sites where Jesus lived and carried out His most important religious teachings was a highlight for many if not most of us on this trip.


Photographs from Mount of the Beatitudes



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